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Realising Your Digital Transformation Strategies

July 21, 2022
Aaron Tan Dani

Digital transformation is a complex and risky endeavour. It requires a strategic plan that looks at the corporate goals, current situation and how to move forward on a transformational journey in a way that makes sense and connects the dots to drive desirable business outcomes.

Enterprise Architecture (EA) empowers businesses to clarify the organisational process, information, and technological elements that make up a successful digital enterprise to establish efficient approaches to connect the IT landscape to the business strategy. To be a technology innovation leader and practitioner today, you must scale your role to meet the organisation’s digital business expectations in times of high uncertainty and change.

Aligning your IT and business strategies

Your business and IT strategies should not be siloed from one another, and leadership should recognise the importance of IT. As it has a crucial role within a business, and is used in every department. Employees now have high expectations in regards to the technology they use to provide the best service possible to their customers.

Your IT strategy should be somewhat a reflection or aligned with your business objectives. Outlining how IT and technology should be used to support the desired business strategy objectives. As well as determining which technologies to invest in. To not only propel the business further but reflect on the current state of the business.

To get a holistic view of the technology throughout the entire organisation, you should establish an Enterprise Architecture Framework. The framework will align IT infrastructure with the organisation’s activities. Enterprise architecture improves organisational structure through productivity, agility, product and service timeliness, revenue growth, and cost reduction.

Organisations need new focus on the functional capabilities to be able to combine amounts of information and hardware to enhance the current capabilities and create new capabilities that can provide new seamless services.  Enterprise Architecture can guide organisations to get their current IT infrastructure ready for digital future.

The 11th edition Business IT Architecture Series (BITAS) Conference will uncover the digital strategies, competencies, tools and techniques for Digital EA development—and learn how to apply these insights onto your own organisation’s goals and needs. This year, we will bring the conference virtually to gather industry thought leaders, EA practitioners and communities from Asia Pacific and share on the best practices to drive continuous, cross-functional growth and innovation for digital business.

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