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Digital EA Talents Hiring Resurgence for New Digital Demands

July 21, 2022
Aaron Tan Dani

Digital EA Talents Hiring Resurgence for New Digital Demands

Over the past 1.5 years, key sectors in Asia have rapidly adopted technology to support business transformation as part of the new normal. As a result, the new digital demands have led to a strong resurgence in hiring trends across the business verticals to support the organisations' digital initiatives.

Digital Enterprise Architecture (EA) has become crucial for bridging processes, products and services when organisations are constantly adjusting their activities to meet ever-changing circumstances and continuously transforming their business. With the adoption of Digital EA establishment as an organisational culture, it will further assist organisations to improve their digital environment by providing customers with a seamless experience while shifting the employees towards digital mindset to align with every aspect of the business.

Digital transformation has heightened the need to acquire digital talent that has the ability to pivot and steer businesses through hard times and onto firm ground. The demand of digital talent with EA skillset has been increasing rapidly as it plays a vital role as Business-IT visionaries and strategic advisors to help shape and implement mission-critical projects and efforts for the organisations.

ATD’s Digital EA Jobs and Skills Initiative

Figure 1: Overview of ATD's Digital EA Jobs and Skills Initiative

The demand for EA jobs will continue to increase as many organisations begin to recognise the importance of digital business. At ATD, we leverage on our wide network of alumni, corporate clients, partners and architect communities to create a new platform for Digital EA Jobs and Skills initiative.

This initiative consists of 2 programmes to help our corporate clients in addressing talent shortages in EA and upskilling the competency gaps among the individual clients who are interested in taking up the available EA job opportunities in the market.

  • Retrain and Upskill Programme

For individuals who want to explore better career advancement in EA roles, ATD will assist in equipping them with the required skillsets necessary to perform in the new EA roles through our competency development programme with Government funding support in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore. We will further help in job connecting candidates to the companies participated in Digital EA Team Recruitment Programme.

  • Digital EA Team Recruitment Programme

For companies who want to build in-house digital capabilities and need to acquire EA talents to help integrating digital into their core business strategy and implementing of digital projects. ATD can support in the recruitment process for the right Digital EA Talents and in the establishment of the core digital team.

For more info on Digital EA Jobs and Skills Initiative, please visit here or email to

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